Elite Personal Training Eagan

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Train for what actually matters

This is a quick story of an awesome client I’ve had the privilege of training for almost a decade.

“As an Emergency Physician I need to be ready to go when things get deadly serious. I’ve lost weight, which is great, but I’m happiest about my strength. Particularly my core. Which has never been this strong, and I can now work a 12 hour shift in the ER without any back issues.” 

This is Marte. She is an emergency physician and needs to be functional when things get hectic. When she started back in 2009, her main goal was to get stronger and focus on her core. Her capacity for certain movements was limited by her back and core strength. Over time we built everything up and worked on some mobility drills to get her capacity to an unprecedented level. She can now finish a 12 hour overnight shift. Still show up to the workout that morning, and get 2 miles of running, 200 squats, various core movements, some push-ups, and finish with pushing me on the sled (320lbs w/sled) across the gym. Improved posture, core strength, and increased overall work capacity. That was her goal and she exceeded my expectations two times over! I was the first personal trainer she ever had and being that she is an MD there were some intimidating circumstances with my school knowledge being tested but it’s pretty awesome to see the transformation over the years and an actual increase in fitness in an individual that’s over 50. Running around Eagan like it’s some type of 5k race and heading back to the gym with time to spare. In comparison to when she started, a mile walk was a major issue with her back. Unreal.