Why Juicing is not the healthiest option.
💥Pro-Tip Tuesday: 💥Eating>Blending>Juicing.
Eating would be the preferred method to consume fruits and vegetables. However, time and taste for some, leads to the use of machines (Blenders, juicers, I get it, those Kale salads can be rough) .
💥Blending retains all of the fiber,seeds, and phytonutrients that just so happen to be perfectly designed to help our bodies with all sorts of functions🥒🥬🌶🥦🥕 .
💥Juicing aka Trying to outsmart nature by throwing away the fiber, and only pull the water out with only a percentage of the nutrients in it, will leave you hungry and missing out on a BIG portion of the value of that superfood. #nutrition #Netflixdocumentaries #science #beachseasoniscoming #personaltrainereagan